Laurel Holmes
Embarking on a transformative journey, Laurel Holmes transitioned from the corporate realm to devote herself to the art world in 2012, eventually relocating from Johannesburg to Cape Town in 2016. Under the guidance of esteemed mentors Karin Daymond and Ricky Burnett, her artistic prowess blossomed, primarily in the realm of painting— embracing oils on canvas alongside ventures into wax encaustic and mixed media. Her artistic evolution expanded further with forays into printmaking, enriched by workshops at The Artists’ Press and the Sharon Sampson Studio, as well as internships at Warren Editions. In 2021, Laurel achieved a milestone, earning a postgraduate diploma in fine art with distinction from the esteemed Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town. Exploring new avenues, she now delves into porcelain paper clay, infusing her creations with elements of fragility and memory. Laurel’s captivating works adorn private collections worldwide, gracing the halls of South African corporations like Spier Arts Trust, a testament to her enduring legacy in the realm of artistry.